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New Predictions for the World - 2021-22 by Abhigya Anand

Abhigya Anand Official Network

Jaya Shree Krishna!

Jaya Shree Ramachandra!

Dear Conscience Family,

I would like to detail my predictions for the years 2021-22 in this Press and Public Release.

Media Tip - Please read this article completely before writing on it!

As predicted in a video dated January 23rd, 2021 - just a few days after India and several other countries began their Vaccination drives, I talked about 2021 - especially after February, to be more disastrous than the previous waves.

In the video, there is a special reference to my version of the TimeLine of COVID19, as per astrology. The video mentions severe problems, including New Variants, Vaccine Damage, and new waves of the pandemic to rage Worldwide.

Several people, worldwide, questioned me in 2020 - "Why do you say the World will worsen in 2021? Should it not get better? Vaccines are being released, and the Government is trying its best to get people out of the present condition!"

India seemed very jubilant in 2021 January, with several billions thinking Vaccines will help them out.

As a response, I believe there are 2 reasons for the new waves we are experiencing, which I have been repeating with the exact timeline, since April 2020!

Reason 1 - Historic Celestial Conjunctions- In the same sign!

To understand the future, we need to know the past.

In the last days of March 2020, we had a spectacular communion of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, which I called "DANGEROUS" in my video made in August 2019 . That event influenced the rest of 2020. The lockdowns worldwide, began exactly in February, just as the planets were locked down in February. In India, one of the World's Largest economies, Lockdowns began exactly in the last days of March.

Number 2 - Jupiter entered Capricorn once again in November 2020 - and the World began seeing We had the infamous "GREAT CONJUNCTION" Taking place in December 2020, it influenced the deadly situation of January 2021.

Number 3 - The most important development

MID-FEBRUARY 2021 - 6 astronomical bodies take over the sign of Capricorn.

This is the beginning of the second COVID Wave, which I have talked about since the very beginning. March is not the beginning of this wave as experts believe, it is mid-February!

Now - we are facing the combined power of the Great Conjunction in December 2020, and the 6 body conjunction in Mid February.

Please read the next reason, as per my opinion, and then, we will move to the next section regarding recovery.

Reason 2 - The Absolutely Unnatural, Toxic approach to the Pandemic

We humans somehow rejoice in the feeling of being able to overpower Nature, through our Anti-Nature, Toxic methods of trying to treat the COVID 19 pandemic. They have further worsened the Pandemic, as per Science.

A simple example - The World's Most "Powerful" Country - The United States.

One of the first countries to receive COVID-19 vaccination, one of the most medically and economically advanced nations, the country with the most sophisticated Medical Systems in the World, with the highest concentration of Pharma Companies and products. One of the biggest Pharma Markets too! We can go on a larger list for the prowess of the USA.

What happened is what matters. What did the US achieve?

The Worst deaths in the World - topping hundreds of thousands, and much more.

The highest number of infections.

The worst death rate in the World.

According to me, Israel and the UK, are seeing just short-lived happiness...let's wait and watch!

One of our site members shared a video of a scientist who worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - on the remarkable connection between Vaccination and quick-spreading variants of the Virus.

I am not against the concept of vaccination. Vaccination as a concept originated hundreds of years ago in India, as per records by British Doctors who visited India. We used to have a few roaming physicians who used to immunize the public randomly against diseases like Cowpox, on which I shall make a separate video. That said, I'm not against the concept of vaccination, but sometimes what is done practically is very different from the concepts, which totally rely on the intentions of the maker. In today's scenario, how can we expect Pharma Companies to think about the well-being of humankind? They are funded by people who have absolutely different (sinister) ideas for our Future.

At the same time, I believe very strongly, that at the end of the day, it is the strength of your bodies that can be developed by following what our ancestors have laid down in ancient Scriptures like Ayurveda. Please read a few authentic books on Ayurveda, and even a glimpse into its originality would show how it poses solutions to disease. The solutions are wholesome. In modern allopathy, we almost always look at the disease as having no connection with the mind, the other organs of the body.

In ancient Ayurveda though, the focus is on making your body and mind strong. I will write more on this, but the ancient approach to disease should be applied even in the present.

Here is a compendium of solutions in the video below in which I have talked about in November 2020.

What about the Future?

The most important portion of this article is regarding the Future.

Here are the phases that will be crucial - first of all, there is a piece of positive news in this situation too!

The Eclipse that will occur on the 26th of May, though signalling problems for 2021, shows recovery starting the next Vedic year, which begins in March-April, generally. That means, we coud see recovery - Phase 1 - Starting November 2021, though it may not be visible, and May 2022 - will show visible signs of recovery, mostly on the economic side.

In any case, COVID 19 is not going to go away, because of the way we have worsened it with vaccines and other unnatural methods, drugs etc.

But wait before we become too jubilant! This year is going to be almost the same as last year, or even worse when it comes to the disease.

Starting June 20th, 2021 - the World may again begin counting cases.

COVID "THIRD WAVE" may peak in September-October 2021.

Economic Recovery starting 2022 May!

For Solutions, please refer to video - SOLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE - Abhigya - YouTube



Oct 21, 2024



Mar 20, 2024



Mar 02, 2024



May 04, 2022

Hi Abhigya, I am very much happy to see your videos and read your blogs. Especially your predictions. Thanks for all dear. I would like to draw your attention over the new youtube subjects being discussed on third world war (starting in 2029), end of kaliyuga and starting phase of satyayuga, and of course Kalki Bhagvan avatar to appear on earth. So please I request you to make a vlog on these three main issues and give your predictions and as well as let us all know whether this is going to be true in the coming years? Please make it soon as there are hundreds of vlogs and predictions coming on net, so dont know whom to belie…


Anish Reghu
Anish Reghu
Dec 24, 2021

There was no 3rd wave peak in Sep-Oct 2021, and also economic recovery is already in progress.

Rithish S M
Rithish S M
Dec 24, 2021
Replying to

Astronomical rays affect whole mother earth, means for all the countries for not only for INDIA.

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